Fun stuff I sometimes do on weekends, usually involving bikes
In my old age of 38, I have discovered that you need not go far to explore.
Last December, I woke up to a missing cargo bike. It was locked to my patio and would remain missing for several months. It is a long tailed, fat cargo bike (say that 10x fast).
For the second time in my adult life, I descend upon Tampa to hang out with family.
Another Trip to the North Woods
To kick off 2019, I descended upon Hurley Wisconsin with a dozen other hashers.
I spent 5 days hanging out with my friend from Utah.
I put my electronics away and spent the entire time exploring the area and hanging out with my friends.
It was interesting exploring some of the mountainy trails.
The culture there is strongly tied to the mormon religion.
My friend recommended that I buy Under the banner of Heaven
book, and I did.