To kick off 2019, I descended upon Hurley Wisconsin with a dozen other hashers.

The Goal

Snowboard, drink beer, be active, and drink more beer

The Destination

I descended upon Hurley Wisconsin with a dozen other hashers.


Summarizing the weekend

I bruised myself pretty bad learning how to snowboard and had to call it quits early. While others were bombing down the slopes of Indianhead, I mostly did my own thing.

Killing time

There was a lot of downtime with plenty of activities, including a sauna which I discovered can fit 9 hashers at once.

the bad news pair the bad news pair the bad news pair

We sat around playing games quite a bit. There was a hash run that took place on Saturday. A few of us spent quite a bit of time creating hangovers at Silver St.


While others were boarding or not much was going on, I enjoyed exploring the area. The ski trails were especially nice since it is something I don’t get to normally experience living downtown madison.

Running options Running options Running options

Tactical Gear

My Salomon Speedcross 3 shoes worked well keeping me upright on the snow covered trails.

Running options

My trek Stache helped me get around when bar crawling. I particularly enjoyed how astonished the locals were that anyone would ride a torture device such as this.

Trek Stache

the bad news pair

Shout out to OTC for trail running with me one morning which provided ample inspiration for a hash trail route Saturday night.

the bad news pair


It was fun having a low structured weekend with a group of people that I know and love. Everyone added a unique quality to the experience that will forever etch a place into my memory banks.