Existentialism - allaboutphilosophy.org
This source material on the subject is so well written. Reading it made me feel giddy inside because I can see how appealing, and how empowering existentialism can be. Basically, existentialism is the idea of free will, choice and personal responisibility.
For me, I find it inspiring reading about how a generation of people coped with war, famine, depression and other misfortunes of the early 1900’s and other time periods as well. One of those ways was through the idea of Existentialism
Existentialism is capabable with other structures of thought. The example given states that
An existentialist could either be a religious moralist, agnostic relativist, or an amoral atheist. Kierkegaard, a religious philosopher, Nietzsche, an anti-Christian, Sartre, an atheist, and Camus an atheist, are credited for their works and writings about existentialism